“Most Socially Responsible Handbag”
Handbag Designer 101, the world’s handbag designer resource, announced today that WorldofGood.com by eBay, the largest online marketplace for socially and environmentally responsible shopping, will sponsor the “Most Socially Responsible Handbag” category for the 2010 Independent Handbag Designer Awards (IHDA). This partnership will recognize the world’s most socially responsible designers' bags that meet certain ethical and moral standards in regards to production, employment and philanthropy while impacting the local culture.
The Winner of the 2010 ‘Most Socially Responsible Handbag’ category will receive featured coverage on WorldofGood.com’s community as well as guidance on how to become verified by a third party trust provider organization and sell on the WorldofGood.com marketplace.
The Winner of the 2010 ‘Most Socially Responsible Handbag’ category will receive featured coverage on WorldofGood.com’s community as well as guidance on how to become verified by a third party trust provider organization and sell on the WorldofGood.com marketplace.